Mika with his catnip mouse

Sponsorship Scheme

The Pavilion

Life in the Pavilion

The Pavilion is our flagship project and we feel it epitomises everything we stand for as a charity. The sponsorship scheme is your opportunity to become involved and it is possibly the most rewarding way you can support us.

The Pavilion is the main home of our long term resident cats, those that are not suitable for immediate rehoming. Not all live in the Pavilion some have been allowed the freedom of the grounds, there are others who don't like living with other cats and some that need to be looked after in their own pen for medical reasons. There are usually about 10 residents in the Pavilion.

The Sponsorship scheme covers all our long-term residents cats

There are many reasons that cats stay with us long term, they may be too old to be rehomed, have been traumatised in some way or have a health problem. We do still hope they will eventually find a loving home and happily this does often happen.

As long as, in the opinion of the vet, the cat can still enjoy a good quality of life they can live out their lives with us and receive all the care they need. We are one of the few charities that provide this care and we take great pride in this.

Become a sponsor and help to support the pavilion cats and our other long term residents.

Sponsors receive:

  • A certificate & photograph of their cat
  • Paws & Claws newsletters
  • The Pavilion Christmas Sheet
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