

In June 2021 two young strays were brought into our care. Lina and her brother, Wonder. At first they were understandably nervous and we did all we could to reassure them and help them gain confidence.

It wasn’t long before we noticed Lina was pregnant and in early August she gave birth to four beautiful kittens. She was a perfect mum, even though they wore her out sometimes as they gained size and strength. Here she is pictured with her very lively babies!

Lina, now called Minnie, and her brother are now enjoying a very happy life in their new homes. Giselle, one of Lina's kittens, has also gone to a nice new home and her new family have written to let us know how she is getting on.

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Dear Paws & Claws

Giselle loved her first Christmas playing with all the wrapping paper. Her favourite thing to was to hide herself in the Amazon bag that some of our presents came in. See photo.

Giselle has also become very helpful around the home. She helps empty the dishwasher (see photo), hang up the washing and she has let more light into our living room.

Best wishes


January 2022