

“Miss January 2011” - (previously called Hope)

Lucy reclining

Hello. You have caught me in my reclining pose. As this indicates, I am now very much at home since Paws & Claws found a new Mum for me.

If you regularly receive the Paws & Claws Newsletter – and I hope you do – you may remember that I was rescued late February 2010 when there was thick snow on the ground. I was regularly spotted in the garden of a Paws & Claws supporter, who I now call “Auntie Molly”. I regularly visited her garden in order to eat bird food. I then climbed a tree in her garden to get out of the snow. It was so cold and wet and I’m only small. Apparently I was timid and would not approach Auntie Molly, so she left some cat food out for me, which was tastier than bird food.

It became apparent that I was possibly pregnant, so Paws & Claws came with a trap and I was caught and taken to Coombe Down. I was frightened by that trap, and still hate going into my carrying basket. Auntie Molly was correct and shortly after I went to Coombe Down I delivered four kittens. Everybody said I was a good Mum, despite being very young myself. My kittens were soon reserved and then the lady who has become my Mum hastily reserved me and collected me after my kittens were re-homed and I had been neutered. My new Mum had sadly lost her two previous cats and they are now in heaven being looked after by my Granddad.

I am very happy in my new home and my Mum and I love each other more than words can say. I still do not like the garden – in case there is a trap which will catch me again. However, if my Mum is pottering outside I happily sit in the doorway and enjoy the fresh air.

Nobody knows where I lived before Auntie Molly spotted me in the snow. They did try to trace my previous owner. I can never thank Auntie Molly enough for saving my life and the lives of my kittens. Without her I would not have survived in that snow as I scavenged for food. Paws & Claws were so kind as they cared for me and my kittens. My Mum and I often talk about my kittens and would love to hear how they have progressed. They were born on 9th March 2010 and, at that time, their new owners would have known me as “Hope”. (My new Mum changed my name to Lucy.) Please let Paws & Claws know how they are and they will let me know.

So, thank you Auntie Molly and thank you Paws & Claws. I am so happy now and I know that Paws & Claws will continue to do their best to find lovely new homes for all the other cats and kittens that come into Coombe Down. THANK YOU.

